HB Gear Box
CZ08 gear box

Based on AMGA standard, all the reducers are designed with heavy load and suitable for harsher working conditions.
The housing are made of ductile iron, which can increase the mechanical strength of gearbox and improve the impact resistance.
With 25°pressure angle gear design, AGMA Q12 grade machining accuracy and unique modification and optimization processing, the reducers enable themselves have low noise and strong overload resistance.
Imported bearings are installed in the gearboxes to ensure the service life of bearings.
All imported oil seals are used in the reducers, high and low speed shafts in the gearboxes adopt double oil seal form or TACONITE seal structure, which can ensure no oil leakage of the reducers in the harsh working environment conditions.
Six - side installation way is suitable for various industry occasions.

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Application Scenarios

Product Parameters

Based on AMGA standard, all the reducers are designed with heavy load and suitable for harsher working conditions.
The housing are made of ductile iron, which can increase the mechanical strength of gearbox and improve the impact resistance.
With 25°pressure angle gear design, AGMA Q12 grade machining accuracy and unique modification and optimization processing, the reducers enable themselves have low noise and strong overload resistance.
Imported bearings are installed in the gearboxes to ensure the service life of bearings.
All imported oil seals are used in the reducers, high and low speed shafts in the gearboxes adopt double oil seal form or TACONITE seal structure, which can ensure no oil leakage of the reducers in the harsh working environment conditions.
Six - side installation way is suitable for various industry occasions.


Application Scenarios

CZ08 gear box Applied in Power Supply

Power Supply

high performance gearbox

Grain and Oil Machinery

custom gearbox manufacturer

New Energy

CZ08 gear box Applied in Plastic Rubber

Plastic Rubber

high performance gearbox Applied in Lifting and Transportation

Lifting and Transportation

custom gearbox Applied in Chemical Mixing

Chemical Mixing

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